Flood Risk Assessment in “La Mojana” for the Formulation of the Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan

Between 2013 and 2016, a detailed hazard and risk study was conducted in La Mojana for the National Adaptation Fund, with the goal of creating a knowledge asset that would enable informed decision-making based on careful and rigorous studies. This study presents the results of the physical flood risk assessment in La Mojana, following a fully probabilistic methodology to describe the disaster occurrence process into the future and to quantify what may happen later, given the exposure and vulnerability conditions of the región.

Additionally, intervention alternatives were considered for the Marginal Dike (whose effects on hazard were modeled by the Hydrodynamic Modeling Team) and for rural housing (elevating them on stilts) and municipal centers (constructing defenses). Risk assessments were conducted for these interventions, clearly showing the effect or impact of structural interventions on the reduction or increase of risk in the region and across its 11 municipalities. The combinations of these interventions were subjected to an optimization process to select the 10 most suitable intervention options for La Mojana. These 10 options were compared in terms of physical risk, environmental impact, and total risk. This made it possible to recommend a series of lines and projects as proposals for evaluation, description, and prioritization within the framework of the Action Plan. These proposals seek non-structural measures to address underlying causes, along with the structural intervention recommendations provided by the 10 selected options.

Read the full study (in Spanish)

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