Workshop for the analysis and presentation of results of the drought risk assessment for Uruguay

In the framework of the project of development of a disaster risk profile for Uruguay under the operation CSD/RND RG-T2759 – ATN/MD-15800-RG of the Inter-American Development Bank, the workshop for the analysis and presentation of results of the drought risk assessment for the agricultural and livestock sectors of Uruguay, was held in Montevideo during the last week of September.

This project, as well as the drought risk assessment for the northern triangle of Central America, was executed by INGENIAR using the Drought Pro, a software developed by the same consulting team to estimate losses in crops and meat production.

The livestock sector was included in the evaluation taking into account that Uruguay is one of the world’s leading meat producers, producing around of 550 thousand tons of bovine meat per year, according to the National Institute of Meat of Uruguay, INAC.

Drought Pro estimates the production losses through vulnerability models that relate the deficit of water available for the crop growth and production for the agraricultural sector, and vulnerability models that relate the deficit of water with the weight of the animal, which constitutes a limiting factor in meat production.

The aim of this workshop was the presentation of the results for the Drought Risk Profile for the agrarian and livestock sectors of Uruguay seeking to reach a common level of understanding of the proposed methodology, thus promoting an adequate incorporation of disaster risk management in the country’s strategy.

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