Launch of the Risk Atlas for Colombia – National Unit for Disaster Risk Management, UNGRD-

On November 22, the Atlas of Risk in Colombia: Revealing Latent Disasters was launched as part of the First National Meeting of Disaster Risk Management Coordinators in Bogotá.

This document was developed by the UNGRD and Ingeniar: Risk Intelligence, in response to the need to advance the understanding of risk at both national and regional levels, contributing to a better comprehension of risk in its various dimensions.

The Atlas of Risk in Colombia: Revealing Latent Disasters is a tool that responds to the regional action plan for implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in the Americas, which prioritizes understanding disaster risk.

This publication aims to share various studies and advances related to the evaluation of different natural and technological hazards, developed by public and private entities in the country. It also presents the results of probabilistic risk assessments for various hazards, based on risk metrics suitable for informed decision-making.

Additionally, this tool supports the application of the principles of subsidiarity and complementarity outlined in Law 1523 of 2012. It also helps focus risk reduction efforts at the sectoral level for earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and tropical cyclones. Moreover, the atlas is a tool that contributes to identifying municipalities and/or departments that require more detailed studies and offers a national perspective on risk in Colombia as a contribution to Risk Knowledge in the Americas.

See publication (in spanish)

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