On the geographic portal of the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD), you can access the viewer that displays Colombia’s risk maps in terms of Annual Average Loss (AAL) at both the departmental and municipal levels for four hazards: earthquakes, tropical cyclones, tsunamis, and floods, as well as the multi-hazard map. These maps are the result of the probabilistic risk assessment conducted by Ingeniar for the UNGRD as part of the Colombia Risk Atlas: Unveiling Latent Disasters.
The Colombia Risk Atlas was developed by the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management, the country’s leading entity in risk management, and INGENIAR: Risk Intelligence. This product emerged from the need to advance the understanding of risk at the national and regional levels, in line with the entity’s mission to improve the quality of life and contribute to sustainable development. Additionally, it aims to enhance risk knowledge across the country to better understand disaster risk in terms of hazard, vulnerability, exposure, and environmental factors.
On this portal, you will also find maps from the Comprehensive Risk Assessment conducted for the entire country at the departmental and municipal levels. The comprehensive risk assessment aims to reveal risk from a development perspective, using potential losses or physical damage as physical risk, directly linked to the occurrence of events, and capturing how underlying risk factors or risk amplifiers—whether social, economic, or environmental—that are independent of the hazard can worsen risk conditions due to the lack of capacity to anticipate, withstand, respond to, or recover from adverse effects.