Our Company
INGENIAR is a company with more than 30 years of experience
INGENIAR was founded by Omar-Darío Cardona (UN Risk Reduction Sasakawa Price 2004) and David-Augusto Arango in Manizales, Colombia, in 1986 with the aim of offering specialized services in the fields of engineering, planning and public policy, with an emphasis on the assessment of natural hazards, modeling and management of disaster risk, adaptation to climate change, resilience, environmental management and development of specialized software for financial protection and risk transfer. In 1987 he started consulting work in Bogotá, D.C., being one of the pioneering firms in Colombia in these matters and offering CAD/CAE (Computer Aid Design / Computer Aid Engineering). INGENIAR since its creation provides specialized consulting services for insurance and reinsurance companies, and on occasions, in a strategic alliance with other national and international consultants, for other consulting firms, brokers, government entities and international organizations such as the World Bank, the IDB, UNDP, OFDA-AID, UNISDR (UNDRR), and other international agencies.
INGENIAR counts with a highly qualified work team, that has led various initiatives related to risk modelling at different levels of resolution in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Indian Ocean, seeking to contribute to the development and planning of a comprehensive approach to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation.
Organizational structure

INGENIAR is a company with more than 30 years of experience in specialized engineering, planning and public policy services, with an emphasis on natural hazard assessment, disaster risk modeling and management, adaptation to climate change, resilience, environmental management, and development of specialized software for financial protection and risk transfer. INGENIAR has led the development of multiple hazard and risk studies (due to drought, floods, landslides, tsunami, earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions) for the agricultural sector and the built environment, at an international level (more than 170 projects executed in more than 20 countries), for the purposes of financial protection, insurance, land use planning, public investment and contingency plans. The development, in Joint Venture, of the CAPRA platform [Comprehensive Approach to Probabilistic Risk Assessment] stands out.
Our Team

Omar Darío Cardona Arboleda
Civil Engineer from the National University of Colombia, Manizales, and PhD in Seismic Engineering and Structural Dynamics from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
He completed specializations at the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS), Macedonia; Oxford Polytechnic, UK, and Colorado State University, USA.
He is an associate professor at the Institute of Environmental Studies at the National University of Colombia and a former professor at the University of the Andes (h-index: 47, citations: 12,543 to date).
He has been a visiting professor in Spain and Italy. He has served as President of the Colombian Association of Earthquake Engineering and Director-General of the National Disaster Risk Management Directorate of Colombia.
He has been a consultant for the IDB, the World Bank, the UNDP, the UNISDR, and other UN agencies. He is a founding member of the Latin American Network for Social Studies on Disaster Prevention (LA RED) and has been a member of scientific committees of the IPCC (SREX and AR5), ICS (IRDR), GEM (Scientific Committee), and the IAEE (Board of Directors). He is a Fellow of ACI and a member of committees 118 and 314. He is a partner and manager of INGENIAR: Risk Intelligence.
In 2004, he was awarded the UN Sasakawa Award for his contributions to risk assessment and management at the international level.

Gabriel Bernal
Civil Engineer and Mechanical Engineer from the Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), with a Master's in Seismic Engineering from the same university, and a PhD in Structural Analysis from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain).
Chief Scientific Officer at Ingeniar, he is also a profesor at the National University of Colombia. He has participated in the development of the disaster risk assessment software platform CAPRA.
He has contributed to the most recent national seismic hazard studies of Colombia, aimed at defining seismic design coefficients for the Colombian Seismic Resistant Construction Code (NSR10) and updating the Colombian Bridge Code (CCP14).
He has participated in the Seismic Microzonation studies of the cities of Bogotá, Ibagué, Popayán, and Manizales in Colombia, and Quito in Ecuador. He has also contributed to the development of the Global Risk Model (GRM) for the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), in its 2013 and 2015 editions.
He is a member of the Colombian Association of Earthquake Engineering (AIS), the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) in the United States, the Seismological Society of America (SSA), and the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI). He is a member of the scientific committee of the Global Volcano Model (GVM) and the Global Tsunami Model (GTM).

Mabel Cristina Marulanda Fraume
Civil Engineer from National University of Manizales(Colombia), PhD in Engineering from Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain).
Specialist in disaster risk modeling with more than 15 years of experience in research, risk management, climate change and sustainability. He leads the design of financial protection mechanisms and insurance instruments for catastrophic risks, including extreme hazard events due to climate change.
She has extensive experience in risk management, hazard assessment, risk assessment for geological and hydrometeorological events, financial protection, risk transfer and insurance, estimation of contingent liabilities for risk and disasters and risk indicators.
Her main works in the last years have been: the coordination and technical support for the development of the "Atlas de Riesgo de Colombia: Revelando los desastres latentes" and subnational risk profiles; at UNDRR, the coordination of the capacity building project for the understanding of risk, probabilistic risk assessment and its use for decision making; technical support in the development of GAR15 (Global Assessment Report) and coordination and technical support for the development of the UNDRR GAR 2017 Atlas. She also participated in the development of probabilistic risk profiles for countries in the Indian Ocean, West Africa, Southeast Asia and Caribbean regions and in the risk analysis for the redesign of the voluntary group insurance instrument for private buildings in the city of Manizales, Colombia.

Claudia Patricia Villegas Rico
Civil Engineer with experience in consultancy for management of disaster risk to natural hazards and climate change adaptation. Currently pursuing a master’s degree in Civil Engineering with emphasis in Project Management (Universidad de Los Andes).
Specific experience in hazard assessment for earthquakes, tropical cyclones and landslides and database construction of exposed elements for disaster risk assessment purposes for different type of hazards.

Paula Marulanda Fraume
Industrial Designer specialized in project management, with a Master's degree in Economics of Public Policies from Universidad del Rosario and a Master's degree in Heritage and Cultural Landscapes Management from Jean Monnet University, France.
Paula has experience in the analysis of social, economic, and environmental indicators, applying a holistic approach to probabilistic risk assessment. She has a strong interest in public policy development, sustainability, and social vulnerability.

David Felipe Rincón
Civil Engineer and Technologist in Computer Systems, specialist in Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, and M.Sc. in Engineering - Hydraulic Resources with emphasis in research ( National University of Colombia).
Experience in studies for risk management and implementation of early warning systems for precipitation and floods, hydrological and hydraulic modeling.

Sthefania Grajales
Civil Engineer from the National University of Colombia (2014), Specialist in Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (2015), and holds a Master's in Engineering and Hydraulic Resources from the National University of Colombia (2018). Currently pursuing doctoral studies in Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
With over 5 years of experience in hydraulic modeling and the analysis of hydrological and meteorological series using Drought-Pro and CAPRA-ROBOT. Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Studies (IDEA) at the same university, working in the hydraulics laboratory on hydroelectric projects, riverbeds (national pilot of POMCA for MADS), and currently serving as a specialist at INGENIAR CAD/CAE LTDA. Works as a hazard and risk modeler for forest fires, hurricanes, floods, landslides, and their effects related to climate change on ecosystem services, agriculture, infrastructure, and housing. Has been a consultant in studies on agroclimatic risk and other sectors, as well as in cost-benefit analysis of adaptation projects with the firm for the IDB, ESCAP, UNIGE, FINAGRO, Expertise France (Strategic Colombia E2020).

Sergio Herrera Montañez
Civil Engineer with experience in consulting for the evaluation and management of disaster risk. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Urban Governance at the National University of Colombia..
Specific experience in building databases of exposed elements (buildings and service infrastructure), creating vulnerability models, probabilistic risk assessment, and evaluating response and adaptation measures for risk management. Interested in topics such as land-use planning and the sustainable development of cities.

John Fredy Molina
Civil and Electronic Engineer, currently pursuing a master’s degree in Civil Engineering with emphasis in Structures, Seismic and Materials (Universidad de Los Andes).
Experience in software development for hazard modelling for rainfall, floods and strong winds for risk management purposes and for early warning systems and real time loss calculations for hurricane events.