Results of Long-Term Modeling for Various Hazards within the Framework of Colombia’s Long-Term Climate Strategy

On Thursday, April 15th, during the webinar “Climate Change Risk in Colombia,” the results of long-term modeling for floods, landslides, hurricanes, drought, and wildfires were presented by Ingeniar: Risk Intelligence. The study was conducted as part of Colombia’s Long-Term Climate Strategy (E2050), a state policy instrument that guides national, sectoral, and territorial actions to build a climate-resilient future for Colombia, with high adaptive capacity and carbon neutrality.

The E2050 formulation process is led by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the National Planning Department (DNP), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with ongoing support from the Government of France (Ambassade De France Colombie) through its financial and technical cooperation agencies (AFD – Agence Française de Développement and Expertise France).

Watch presentation here (in Spanish)

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