
CAPRA (Comprehensive Approach to Probabilistic Risk Assessment) Robot is a methodology and a platform of technical-scientific information, integrated by a serious of tools for risk assessment and communication at different territorial levels.

This program allows for the evaluation of losses in exposed elements using probabilistic metrics such as the exceedance probability curve, the average annual loss and the maximum probable loss, useful metrics for multi-hazard risk analysis. The platform is conceptually orientated to facilitate the decision-making process; by using CAPRA Robot it is possible to design instruments of risk transfer, as well as probabilistic cost-benefit relation.

CAPRA Robot is useful for urban planning, to obtain loss scenarios for emergency plans, alert systems, for mechanism of loss assessment in real time and for holistic disaster risk assessment by using indicators, which facilitates risk management by the different involved actors in decision-making processes for risk reduction. This program has been used in several countries such as Colombia, México, Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Jamaica, Central American countries, Spain and Nepal.

R-Plus is a platform for financial risk assessment.

This system calculates the pure premium for individual risks, the premium for reinsurance contracts non-proportional and the total risk of catastrophe in a given region with exposure data of different quality and special resolution according the type of analysis.

TargetPro is a management and Project control software, created to provide support to the project implementation inside engineering companies.

This tool, manages all the relevant aspects within the implementation of a project, enabling to have a strict control on the activities and the resources used, the progress of the activities and projects, as well as the general productivity of the company.
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